TRAGEDIJA: Automobilom uleteo na teren i ubio dete (10)

TRAGEDIJA: Automobilom uleteo na teren i ubio dete (10)

09.03.2025. 16:01h

Popi je zadobila smrtonosne povrede, dok je još jedna devojčica lakše povređena u ovoj stravičnoj nesreći.

Policija je odmah lišila slobode 40-godišnjeg vozača. Istraga je u toku, a uzroci nesreće još uvek nisu poznati.

RIP Poppy 😥 #1Minute4PoppyThe girl who was killed when a car crashed on to a pitch where she was playing football was a "force of nature", her family has said. Poppy Atkinson, 10, was fatally struck by the vehicle while attending a training session at Kendal Rugby Club in…— Grassroots (@Teamgrassroots_)...